/ | elements with colspans.\n SOLUTION: making individual \n ,\n )\n }\n\n _handleScrollerEl(scrollerEl: HTMLElement | null, key: string) {\n let section = getSectionByKey(this.props.sections, key)\n\n if (section) {\n setRef(section.chunk.scrollerElRef, scrollerEl)\n }\n }\n\n // TODO: can do a really simple print-view. dont need to join rows\n handleSizing = () => {\n this.safeSetState({\n shrinkWidth: this.computeShrinkWidth(), // will create each chunk's \n {innerContent}\n \n {hookProps.isStartResizable &&\n }\n {hookProps.isEndResizable &&\n }\n \n )}\n \n {innerProps.timeText && (\n \n )\n}\n","import { RenderHook, RenderHookPropsChildren, MountArg } from './render-hook'\nimport { DateMarker } from '../datelib/marker'\nimport { ViewContext, ViewContextType } from '../ViewContext'\nimport { createElement } from '../vdom'\nimport { ViewApi } from '../ViewApi'\n\nexport interface NowIndicatorRootProps {\n isAxis: boolean\n date: DateMarker\n children: RenderHookPropsChildren\n}\n\nexport interface NowIndicatorContentArg {\n isAxis: boolean\n date: Date\n view: ViewApi\n}\n\nexport type NowIndicatorMountArg = MountArg{innerProps.timeText} \n )}\n \n \n \n {innerProps.event.title || \n \n {innerContent}\n \n )}\n {props.event.title} \n )\n}\n","import { ViewContext, ViewContextType } from '../ViewContext'\nimport { DateMarker } from '../datelib/marker'\nimport { RenderHook, RenderHookPropsChildren, MountArg } from './render-hook'\nimport { createElement } from '../vdom'\nimport { DateFormatter } from '../datelib/DateFormatter'\n\nexport interface WeekNumberRootProps {\n date: DateMarker\n defaultFormat: DateFormatter\n children: RenderHookPropsChildren\n}\n\nexport interface WeekNumberContentArg {\n num: number\n text: string\n date: Date\n}\nexport type WeekNumberMountArg = MountArg\n ,\n props.parentEl,\n )\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocumentMouseDown)\n document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown)\n this.updateSize()\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocumentMouseDown)\n document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown)\n }\n\n handleRootEl = (el: HTMLElement | null) => {\n this.rootEl = el\n\n if (this.props.elRef) {\n setRef(this.props.elRef, el)\n }\n }\n\n // Triggered when the user clicks *anywhere* in the document, for the autoHide feature\n handleDocumentMouseDown = (ev) => {\n // only hide the popover if the click happened outside the popover\n const target = getEventTargetViaRoot(ev) as HTMLElement\n if (!this.rootEl.contains(target)) {\n this.handleCloseClick()\n }\n }\n\n handleDocumentKeyDown = (ev) => {\n if (ev.key === 'Escape') {\n this.handleCloseClick()\n }\n }\n\n handleCloseClick = () => {\n let { onClose } = this.props\n if (onClose) {\n onClose()\n }\n }\n\n private updateSize() {\n let { isRtl } = this.context\n let { alignmentEl, alignGridTop } = this.props\n let { rootEl } = this\n\n let alignmentRect = computeClippedClientRect(alignmentEl)\n if (alignmentRect) {\n let popoverDims = rootEl.getBoundingClientRect()\n\n // position relative to viewport\n let popoverTop = alignGridTop\n ? elementClosest(alignmentEl, '.fc-scrollgrid').getBoundingClientRect().top\n : alignmentRect.top\n let popoverLeft = isRtl ? alignmentRect.right - popoverDims.width : alignmentRect.left\n\n // constrain\n popoverTop = Math.max(popoverTop, PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT)\n popoverLeft = Math.min(popoverLeft, document.documentElement.clientWidth - PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT - popoverDims.width)\n popoverLeft = Math.max(popoverLeft, PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT)\n\n let origin = rootEl.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect()\n applyStyle(rootEl, {\n top: popoverTop - origin.top,\n left: popoverLeft - origin.left,\n })\n }\n }\n}\n","import { DateComponent } from '../component/DateComponent'\nimport { DateRange } from '../datelib/date-range'\nimport { DateMarker } from '../datelib/marker'\nimport { DateProfile } from '../DateProfileGenerator'\nimport { Hit } from '../interactions/hit'\nimport { Dictionary } from '../options'\nimport { createElement, ComponentChildren } from '../vdom'\nimport { DayCellContent } from './DayCellContent'\nimport { DayCellRoot } from './DayCellRoot'\nimport { Popover } from './Popover'\n\nexport interface MorePopoverProps {\n id: string\n startDate: DateMarker\n endDate: DateMarker\n dateProfile: DateProfile\n parentEl: HTMLElement\n alignmentEl: HTMLElement\n alignGridTop?: boolean\n todayRange: DateRange\n extraDateSpan: Dictionary\n children: ComponentChildren\n onClose?: () => void\n}\n\nexport class MorePopover extends DateComponent\n \n {props.title}\n \n \n \n \n {props.children}\n \n {innerContent} \n )}\n {store.getState()} \r\n * }\r\n */\nexport function useReduxContext() {\n const contextValue = useContext(ReactReduxContext);\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !contextValue) {\n throw new Error('could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a {counter} \r\n * }\r\n */\n\nexport const useSelector = /*#__PURE__*/createSelectorHook();","import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose\";\nconst _excluded = [\"initMapStateToProps\", \"initMapDispatchToProps\", \"initMergeProps\"];\nimport verifySubselectors from './verifySubselectors';\nexport function pureFinalPropsSelectorFactory(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps, dispatch, {\n areStatesEqual,\n areOwnPropsEqual,\n areStatePropsEqual\n}) {\n let hasRunAtLeastOnce = false;\n let state;\n let ownProps;\n let stateProps;\n let dispatchProps;\n let mergedProps;\n\n function handleFirstCall(firstState, firstOwnProps) {\n state = firstState;\n ownProps = firstOwnProps;\n stateProps = mapStateToProps(state, ownProps);\n dispatchProps = mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps);\n mergedProps = mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps);\n hasRunAtLeastOnce = true;\n return mergedProps;\n }\n\n function handleNewPropsAndNewState() {\n stateProps = mapStateToProps(state, ownProps);\n if (mapDispatchToProps.dependsOnOwnProps) dispatchProps = mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps);\n mergedProps = mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps);\n return mergedProps;\n }\n\n function handleNewProps() {\n if (mapStateToProps.dependsOnOwnProps) stateProps = mapStateToProps(state, ownProps);\n if (mapDispatchToProps.dependsOnOwnProps) dispatchProps = mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, ownProps);\n mergedProps = mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps);\n return mergedProps;\n }\n\n function handleNewState() {\n const nextStateProps = mapStateToProps(state, ownProps);\n const statePropsChanged = !areStatePropsEqual(nextStateProps, stateProps);\n stateProps = nextStateProps;\n if (statePropsChanged) mergedProps = mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps);\n return mergedProps;\n }\n\n function handleSubsequentCalls(nextState, nextOwnProps) {\n const propsChanged = !areOwnPropsEqual(nextOwnProps, ownProps);\n const stateChanged = !areStatesEqual(nextState, state, nextOwnProps, ownProps);\n state = nextState;\n ownProps = nextOwnProps;\n if (propsChanged && stateChanged) return handleNewPropsAndNewState();\n if (propsChanged) return handleNewProps();\n if (stateChanged) return handleNewState();\n return mergedProps;\n }\n\n return function pureFinalPropsSelector(nextState, nextOwnProps) {\n return hasRunAtLeastOnce ? handleSubsequentCalls(nextState, nextOwnProps) : handleFirstCall(nextState, nextOwnProps);\n };\n}\n// TODO: Add more comments\n// The selector returned by selectorFactory will memoize its results,\n// allowing connect's shouldComponentUpdate to return false if final\n// props have not changed.\nexport default function finalPropsSelectorFactory(dispatch, _ref) {\n let {\n initMapStateToProps,\n initMapDispatchToProps,\n initMergeProps\n } = _ref,\n options = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded);\n\n const mapStateToProps = initMapStateToProps(dispatch, options);\n const mapDispatchToProps = initMapDispatchToProps(dispatch, options);\n const mergeProps = initMergeProps(dispatch, options);\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n verifySubselectors(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps);\n }\n\n return pureFinalPropsSelectorFactory(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps, dispatch, options);\n}","import verifyPlainObject from '../utils/verifyPlainObject';\nexport function wrapMapToPropsConstant( // * Note:\n// It seems that the dispatch argument\n// could be a dispatch function in some cases (ex: whenMapDispatchToPropsIsMissing)\n// and a state object in some others (ex: whenMapStateToPropsIsMissing)\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars\ngetConstant) {\n return function initConstantSelector(dispatch) {\n const constant = getConstant(dispatch);\n\n function constantSelector() {\n return constant;\n }\n\n constantSelector.dependsOnOwnProps = false;\n return constantSelector;\n };\n} // dependsOnOwnProps is used by createMapToPropsProxy to determine whether to pass props as args\n// to the mapToProps function being wrapped. It is also used by makePurePropsSelector to determine\n// whether mapToProps needs to be invoked when props have changed.\n//\n// A length of one signals that mapToProps does not depend on props from the parent component.\n// A length of zero is assumed to mean mapToProps is getting args via arguments or ...args and\n// therefore not reporting its length accurately..\n// TODO Can this get pulled out so that we can subscribe directly to the store if we don't need ownProps?\n\nexport function getDependsOnOwnProps(mapToProps) {\n return mapToProps.dependsOnOwnProps ? Boolean(mapToProps.dependsOnOwnProps) : mapToProps.length !== 1;\n} // Used by whenMapStateToPropsIsFunction and whenMapDispatchToPropsIsFunction,\n// this function wraps mapToProps in a proxy function which does several things:\n//\n// * Detects whether the mapToProps function being called depends on props, which\n// is used by selectorFactory to decide if it should reinvoke on props changes.\n//\n// * On first call, handles mapToProps if returns another function, and treats that\n// new function as the true mapToProps for subsequent calls.\n//\n// * On first call, verifies the first result is a plain object, in order to warn\n// the developer that their mapToProps function is not returning a valid result.\n//\n\nexport function wrapMapToPropsFunc(mapToProps, methodName) {\n return function initProxySelector(dispatch, {\n displayName\n }) {\n const proxy = function mapToPropsProxy(stateOrDispatch, ownProps) {\n return proxy.dependsOnOwnProps ? proxy.mapToProps(stateOrDispatch, ownProps) : proxy.mapToProps(stateOrDispatch, undefined);\n }; // allow detectFactoryAndVerify to get ownProps\n\n\n proxy.dependsOnOwnProps = true;\n\n proxy.mapToProps = function detectFactoryAndVerify(stateOrDispatch, ownProps) {\n proxy.mapToProps = mapToProps;\n proxy.dependsOnOwnProps = getDependsOnOwnProps(mapToProps);\n let props = proxy(stateOrDispatch, ownProps);\n\n if (typeof props === 'function') {\n proxy.mapToProps = props;\n proxy.dependsOnOwnProps = getDependsOnOwnProps(props);\n props = proxy(stateOrDispatch, ownProps);\n }\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') verifyPlainObject(props, displayName, methodName);\n return props;\n };\n\n return proxy;\n };\n}","export function createInvalidArgFactory(arg, name) {\n return (dispatch, options) => {\n throw new Error(`Invalid value of type ${typeof arg} for ${name} argument when connecting component ${options.wrappedComponentName}.`);\n };\n}","import _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nimport verifyPlainObject from '../utils/verifyPlainObject';\nimport { createInvalidArgFactory } from './invalidArgFactory';\nexport function defaultMergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) {\n // @ts-ignore\n return _extends({}, ownProps, stateProps, dispatchProps);\n}\nexport function wrapMergePropsFunc(mergeProps) {\n return function initMergePropsProxy(dispatch, {\n displayName,\n areMergedPropsEqual\n }) {\n let hasRunOnce = false;\n let mergedProps;\n return function mergePropsProxy(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) {\n const nextMergedProps = mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps);\n\n if (hasRunOnce) {\n if (!areMergedPropsEqual(nextMergedProps, mergedProps)) mergedProps = nextMergedProps;\n } else {\n hasRunOnce = true;\n mergedProps = nextMergedProps;\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') verifyPlainObject(mergedProps, displayName, 'mergeProps');\n }\n\n return mergedProps;\n };\n };\n}\nexport function mergePropsFactory(mergeProps) {\n return !mergeProps ? () => defaultMergeProps : typeof mergeProps === 'function' ? wrapMergePropsFunc(mergeProps) : createInvalidArgFactory(mergeProps, 'mergeProps');\n}","import { getBatch } from './batch'; // encapsulates the subscription logic for connecting a component to the redux store, as\n// well as nesting subscriptions of descendant components, so that we can ensure the\n// ancestor components re-render before descendants\n\nfunction createListenerCollection() {\n const batch = getBatch();\n let first = null;\n let last = null;\n return {\n clear() {\n first = null;\n last = null;\n },\n\n notify() {\n batch(() => {\n let listener = first;\n\n while (listener) {\n listener.callback();\n listener = listener.next;\n }\n });\n },\n\n get() {\n let listeners = [];\n let listener = first;\n\n while (listener) {\n listeners.push(listener);\n listener = listener.next;\n }\n\n return listeners;\n },\n\n subscribe(callback) {\n let isSubscribed = true;\n let listener = last = {\n callback,\n next: null,\n prev: last\n };\n\n if (listener.prev) {\n listener.prev.next = listener;\n } else {\n first = listener;\n }\n\n return function unsubscribe() {\n if (!isSubscribed || first === null) return;\n isSubscribed = false;\n\n if (listener.next) {\n listener.next.prev = listener.prev;\n } else {\n last = listener.prev;\n }\n\n if (listener.prev) {\n listener.prev.next = listener.next;\n } else {\n first = listener.next;\n }\n };\n }\n\n };\n}\n\nconst nullListeners = {\n notify() {},\n\n get: () => []\n};\nexport function createSubscription(store, parentSub) {\n let unsubscribe;\n let listeners = nullListeners;\n\n function addNestedSub(listener) {\n trySubscribe();\n return listeners.subscribe(listener);\n }\n\n function notifyNestedSubs() {\n listeners.notify();\n }\n\n function handleChangeWrapper() {\n if (subscription.onStateChange) {\n subscription.onStateChange();\n }\n }\n\n function isSubscribed() {\n return Boolean(unsubscribe);\n }\n\n function trySubscribe() {\n if (!unsubscribe) {\n unsubscribe = parentSub ? parentSub.addNestedSub(handleChangeWrapper) : store.subscribe(handleChangeWrapper);\n listeners = createListenerCollection();\n }\n }\n\n function tryUnsubscribe() {\n if (unsubscribe) {\n unsubscribe();\n unsubscribe = undefined;\n listeners.clear();\n listeners = nullListeners;\n }\n }\n\n const subscription = {\n addNestedSub,\n notifyNestedSubs,\n handleChangeWrapper,\n isSubscribed,\n trySubscribe,\n tryUnsubscribe,\n getListeners: () => listeners\n };\n return subscription;\n}","import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect } from 'react'; // React currently throws a warning when using useLayoutEffect on the server.\n// To get around it, we can conditionally useEffect on the server (no-op) and\n// useLayoutEffect in the browser. We need useLayoutEffect to ensure the store\n// subscription callback always has the selector from the latest render commit\n// available, otherwise a store update may happen between render and the effect,\n// which may cause missed updates; we also must ensure the store subscription\n// is created synchronously, otherwise a store update may occur before the\n// subscription is created and an inconsistent state may be observed\n// Matches logic in React's `shared/ExecutionEnvironment` file\n\nexport const canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document.createElement !== 'undefined');\nexport const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = canUseDOM ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect;","function is(x, y) {\n if (x === y) {\n return x !== 0 || y !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;\n } else {\n return x !== x && y !== y;\n }\n}\n\nexport default function shallowEqual(objA, objB) {\n if (is(objA, objB)) return true;\n\n if (typeof objA !== 'object' || objA === null || typeof objB !== 'object' || objB === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const keysA = Object.keys(objA);\n const keysB = Object.keys(objB);\n if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return false;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) {\n if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(objB, keysA[i]) || !is(objA[keysA[i]], objB[keysA[i]])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}","import _extends from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends\";\nimport _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from \"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose\";\nconst _excluded = [\"reactReduxForwardedRef\"];\n\n/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */\nimport hoistStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics';\nimport React, { useContext, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';\nimport { isValidElementType, isContextConsumer } from 'react-is';\nimport defaultSelectorFactory from '../connect/selectorFactory';\nimport { mapDispatchToPropsFactory } from '../connect/mapDispatchToProps';\nimport { mapStateToPropsFactory } from '../connect/mapStateToProps';\nimport { mergePropsFactory } from '../connect/mergeProps';\nimport { createSubscription } from '../utils/Subscription';\nimport { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from '../utils/useIsomorphicLayoutEffect';\nimport shallowEqual from '../utils/shallowEqual';\nimport warning from '../utils/warning';\nimport { ReactReduxContext } from './Context';\nimport { notInitialized } from '../utils/useSyncExternalStore';\nlet useSyncExternalStore = notInitialized;\nexport const initializeConnect = fn => {\n useSyncExternalStore = fn;\n}; // Define some constant arrays just to avoid re-creating these\n\nconst EMPTY_ARRAY = [null, 0];\nconst NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ARRAY = [null, null]; // Attempts to stringify whatever not-really-a-component value we were given\n// for logging in an error message\n\nconst stringifyComponent = Comp => {\n try {\n return JSON.stringify(Comp);\n } catch (err) {\n return String(Comp);\n }\n};\n\n// This is \"just\" a `useLayoutEffect`, but with two modifications:\n// - we need to fall back to `useEffect` in SSR to avoid annoying warnings\n// - we extract this to a separate function to avoid closing over values\n// and causing memory leaks\nfunction useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithArgs(effectFunc, effectArgs, dependencies) {\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => effectFunc(...effectArgs), dependencies);\n} // Effect callback, extracted: assign the latest props values to refs for later usage\n\n\nfunction captureWrapperProps(lastWrapperProps, lastChildProps, renderIsScheduled, wrapperProps, // actualChildProps: unknown,\nchildPropsFromStoreUpdate, notifyNestedSubs) {\n // We want to capture the wrapper props and child props we used for later comparisons\n lastWrapperProps.current = wrapperProps;\n renderIsScheduled.current = false; // If the render was from a store update, clear out that reference and cascade the subscriber update\n\n if (childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current) {\n childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current = null;\n notifyNestedSubs();\n }\n} // Effect callback, extracted: subscribe to the Redux store or nearest connected ancestor,\n// check for updates after dispatched actions, and trigger re-renders.\n\n\nfunction subscribeUpdates(shouldHandleStateChanges, store, subscription, childPropsSelector, lastWrapperProps, lastChildProps, renderIsScheduled, isMounted, childPropsFromStoreUpdate, notifyNestedSubs, // forceComponentUpdateDispatch: React.Dispatch{store.getState()} \r\n * }\r\n */\n\nexport const useStore = /*#__PURE__*/createStoreHook();","import { ReactReduxContext } from '../components/Context';\nimport { useStore as useDefaultStore, createStoreHook } from './useStore';\n/**\r\n * Hook factory, which creates a `useDispatch` hook bound to a given context.\r\n *\r\n * @param {React.Context} [context=ReactReduxContext] Context passed to your `\r\n * {value}\r\n * \r\n * \r\n * )\r\n * }\r\n */\n\nexport const useDispatch = /*#__PURE__*/createDispatchHook();","// The primary entry point assumes we're working with standard ReactDOM/RN, but\n// older versions that do not include `useSyncExternalStore` (React 16.9 - 17.x).\n// Because of that, the useSyncExternalStore compat shim is needed.\nimport { useSyncExternalStore } from 'use-sync-external-store/shim';\nimport { useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector } from 'use-sync-external-store/shim/with-selector';\nimport { unstable_batchedUpdates as batch } from './utils/reactBatchedUpdates';\nimport { setBatch } from './utils/batch';\nimport { initializeUseSelector } from './hooks/useSelector';\nimport { initializeConnect } from './components/connect';\ninitializeUseSelector(useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector);\ninitializeConnect(useSyncExternalStore); // Enable batched updates in our subscriptions for use\n// with standard React renderers (ReactDOM, React Native)\n\nsetBatch(batch);\nexport { batch };\nexport * from './exports';","function r(e){var t,f,n=\"\";if(\"string\"==typeof e||\"number\"==typeof e)n+=e;else if(\"object\"==typeof e)if(Array.isArray(e))for(t=0;t |